Day 2 : Linux Fundamentals

Batch II - Advance DevOps - Zero to Hero (Dec'22) - Course (

Today I have gone through Linux Fundamentals which covered the following topics.

  1. What is Linux?

  2. File system hierarchy

  3. Getting Started with commands

Just like Windows, iOS, and Mac OS, Linux is an operating system.

Ex: Android, is powered by the Linux operating system.

There are so many flavors of Linux.

Ubuntu, Fedora, kali, redhat, centos, etc.

Shell: In order to interact with OS we need a shell. The shell can be terminal or bash. (Black window) It is a medium to connect hardware and applications.

It is a command-line interface. Enter a command to execute kernel function.

Kernel: The kernel is the core part of the operating system. It is software (code built in C language ) that connects hardware to applications via shell. Virtualise and control computer hardware (CPU, memory etc)

Kernal will be updated twice a year (4 and 10th months)

System utility: provides os functionalities.

File system hierarchy

/ is the starting point of FSH. Top-level directory.

/root is the superuser who has all the permissions.

/bin: Contains all the binary executables. contains all the Linux commands.

bin is a standard subdirectory of the root directory

/dev: device files.

/etc: local system configurations files

/home: users' subdirectory for storage. The Linux home directory is a directory for a particular user of the system and consists of individual files. It is also referred to as the login directory. This is the first place that occurs after logging into a Linux system. It is automatically created as "/home" for each user in the directory.

/opy :optinal files -third party tools

/sbin: executables for system administration

/temp:stores temporary files- cleared during system boot

/usr: executables, libraries,man files etc

/var: variable data files -->ex: logs, email inbox, web app related files, cron files etc

$ is a user

~ is a home directory

if you switch to root user that $ will change to #

#is a root user

/home/ubuntu is current directory


Copying files:

Removing file and directory:
