Phase 1: Dev | Local Deployment using docker

Phase 1: Dev | Local Deployment using docker

Launch EC2 instance ( t2.large)

Create an EC2 T2. Large instance with 25 GB and connect to it.

Ports in Security Group

Add following ports in SG.


Create Elastic IP

An Elastic IP is created to ensure a static, public IPv4 address for your AWS resources, which remains the same even if you stop or restart an instance. This allows external systems to consistently connect to your instance.

Get API Key from IMDB

The IMDb API key is used to access data from the IMDb database through their API (Application Programming Interface). This key allows developers to interact with IMDb’s extensive movie, TV show, and celebrity information, pulling data into applications or websites.

Follow these steps for IMDB API Key

  • Open a web browser and navigate to TMDB (The Movie Database) website.

  • Click on "Login" and create an account.

  • Once logged in, go to your profile and select "Settings."

  • Click on "API" from the left-side panel.

  • Create a new API key by clicking "Create" and accepting the terms and conditions.

  • Provide the required basic details ( you can give random details ) and click "Submit."

  • You will receive your TMDB API key.

Install Docker and Run the App Using a Container

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER  # Replace with your system's username, e.g., 'ubuntu'
newgrp docker
sudo chmod 777 /var/run/docker.sock
docker build --build-arg TMDB_V3_API_KEY=<your-api-key> -t netflix .
docker run -d --name sonar -p 9000:9000 sonarqube:lts-community

Now thru elasticIp:8081 you can access the Netflix application 🦘.